Saturday, October 1, 2011


TxtMsg was written to display simple messages on the Chumby One and Classic Chumby devices as well as the Chumby Android application. The application may be found at I will be including source code for the Chumby widget as well as the web application. My hope is someone will modify the application and make good use of it. I have been thinking this may be a good widget to display messages from systems such as network centers displaying security issues however in such an environment there may be better tools to display such messages or the security environment may not allow a Chumby device in the first place.
Another use may be to display automated messages of some sort, however one must question why a user would use the Chumby when email and SMS messages may be more effective. If anyone has any other ideas, please comment and let me and others know what you think.


The TxtMsg widget grabs the contents of the webpage specified in the widget settings. It is also possible to connect to a password protected webpage by providing a username and password in the widget settings.
The web application will return a tab delimited text file to the Chumby widget with the date (GMT), sender, and message. It is possible to include some HTML however the HTML is very limited.

I will attempt to update this with more details shortly. Sorry for the delay.


  1. As of 10 August 2013, I shut down the server which hosted the Web Application for the Chumby Widget. The source Code is still available at the link provided in the 5 Oct 2011 post titled, "TxtMsg Web Application Setup". You may stand up a server and allow others to connect to it.

    I may bring the server back online in the future and will let you know if I do.

  2. Hello Rich,
    Has anyone brought this app back up?
    If not, do you have any documentation that would describe what it would take? Many of my family have Chumby's and would love to use it as a means for quick text communication.
    Best Regards!


  3. No, the service has not been stood up, by me at least. I posted the information on setting up your own server and using it on the 2 Oct 2011 post. The source code for the web service is at You will need to have a Windows Server running with IIS and .NET support. I do not recall which version of .NET but I suspect it is 3.5.
